Shaping the future of work together
Increasing individualisation, the emergence of new role models, compatibility of work and private life: The world of work we know is changing. In addition, there is demographic change and the topic of the hour, indeed of the century: Digitalisation. We support our customers in actively shaping the "future of work".
Motivation is the engine of every organisation
Every organisation thrives on the motivation of its employees. Sometimes however challenges and conflicts can arise during collaboration. This can have very different causes: a lack of self-understanding, unclear processes, unused competencies, lack of communication or unsuitable structures - these are all factors that can influence the satisfaction and motivation of employees and thus organisational success. With our systemic approach to organisational development and with the help of participatory processes, we empower our clients to develop efficient and sustainable collaboration solutions.
Public administration faces new challenges
Public administration is also facing more and more new issues and requirements. Priorities must therefore be continuously reviewed, resources must be reallocated and subordinate matters defined. We help our clients to question existing tasks and organisational forms, to determine the human resources requirements for new priorities and to optimise interfaces within the organisation as well as with external actors.
Why Syspons?
- Together with our clients, we reflect on the issues that affect their organisation and their employees.
- We are experienced in designing, conducting and evaluating employee surveys and support our clients in the development of change projects and measures.
- We accompany project groups in the development of sustainable solutions in the field of the "Future of Work" (e.g. agile leadership, error culture, flexible and mobile working).
- We advise and support our clients in change management.
- We design and moderate complex change processes within an organisational culture.
- In public administration we work according to the methodology of the handbook of the BMI (Federal Ministry of the Interior) and the Bundesverwaltungsamt für Organisationsuntersuchungen (Federal Administration Office for Organisational Investigations).
A specific example
With the goal of actively shaping an organisation-wide change process, a foundation commissioned us to analyse the organisational structure and employee satisfaction. The task was to work out relevant questions regarding the future of the work, to identify development potential and to accompany the cultural change. To this end, we conducted a survey of all employees and prepared the results in decision-relevant analyses. These served to identify foundation-wide change projects and as data-supported impulses for specific fields of action in individual work units. We then accompanied an internal project group in the design and implementation of the foundation-wide change management projects on the topic of the future of work, thereby involving all relevant actors. In addition, we supported individual work units in reorganisation processes and designed and moderated team workshops to improve cooperation (see also Human resources and team development).